International Railway Summit

9 Novembre 2022

Ore 11:00





Harnassing IoT for preventing and recovering from railway incidents

Part 1 - Sensors: how can railways prepare for incidents? 

Incidents on the railways are sadly inevitable. They can also be complex and involve more than one factor - from the unpredictability of the environment and human error to the failure of infrastructure or the train. There is therefore a vital need for comprehensive real-time data about the network and rail operation.

The Internet of Things (IoT) is increasingly becoming an invaluable tool for the railways. Interconnection between data and communication streams help build a picture of rail systems. It means safer operations, more efficient maintenance, and more reliable services.

This first session will look at how digital technologies can be best deployed as part of an efficient safety strategy. How can we predict, prepare for, and prevent incidents?

Paolo Guglielminetti, Partner PwC Italy, Global Railways & Roads Leader, will chair the debate.

The webinar is free to attend but places are limited. Full agenda and registration info can be found here


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