9th Pan-European LES YMC Conference

30 Settembre 2022

Ore 09:30

Milano, Torre PwC


Milano, Torre PwC


PwC Italy is Platinum Sponsor of the 9th Pan-European LES YMC Conference.

The aim of the event is to convey peculiarities and strategies adopted by outstanding protagonists of the sport field in the protection and exploitation of intellectual property, opening a dialogue on the points of contact and divergences in legislation among the different jurisdictions. 


Andrea Lensi Orlandi, Partner PwC TLS Avvocati e Commercialisti

Paola Furiosi, Director PwC TLS Avvocati e Commercialisti

Matteo Bonente, Partner PwC Italia

Full agenda and registration info can be found here


Federica Ceccon

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