6-7 Ottobre

Amsterdam, Hotel Andaz Amsterdam Prinsengracht


Amsterdam, Hotel Andaz Amsterdam Prinsengracht


Real-Time Payments and Open Banking: New Realities, New Challenges

The EBA Global Seminar “Real-Time Payments and Open Banking: New Realities, New Challenges” will assess the current status of real-time payment and open banking initiatives in and outside of Europe. What are the strategic imperatives and what can we learn from the developments in these markets?

In the seminar, speakers from large and mid-size banks, technology and infrastructure providers as well as delegates from Asia, the US and Europe will be discussing questions on current real-time payment schemes, the expectations of different types of customers and stakeholders, as well as the critical challenges and the emerging practical and commercial opportunities and benefits of open banking.

PwC Italy is sponsor of the event.

A detailed agenda and registration info can be found here. Attendance is subject to a fee


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